Dear Exhibiting Partner: 

As we enter the 24th year of the Current Concepts in Sleep Conference, it is my pleasure to provide you with the Exhibitor Prospectus and invite your company’s participation in this year’s conference. The Sheraton Sand Key and its excellent location on Clearwater Beach is the perfect location to provide a wonderful backdrop for this casual, intimate educational conference. We anticipate approximately 250 health care professionals to participate this year.  The conference is scheduled on August 23-24th 2024

The conference will allow ample opportunity to: 

  • Enjoy one-on-one time with physicians and other sleep and medical professionals. 
  • Promote new technology or services 
  • Provide hands-on demonstrations 
  • Network with established customers 
  • Develop new customer relationships

To request booth space or sponsorship opportunities, simply complete a downloadable exhibitor registration form or register online. (Registration site to be available May 1, 2024)

The early registration deadline ends on August 2nd, 2024.  After August 2nd, the fee increases by $50.  Please feel free to contact me at (813-844-7537 or 813-844-7259) or at if you have questions regarding the 24th Annual Current Concepts in Sleep.

Looking forward to seeing you on the beach.  


Sincerely yours, 

William (Robby) Beauchamp BS, RRT, RSSGT
Sleep Lab Coordinator 
Tampa General Hospital
813-844-7537 – Office

Purpose of the Exhibits

Exhibits provide a face-to-face opportunity for vendors to meet with current and new customers to provide useful information about new products, services and future developments related to the field of sleep disorders medicine.

Eligibility for Exhibiting

Products or services displayed must further the purpose of the meeting and provide an atmosphere conducive to exchanging information relevant to the clinical content of the conference, and relevant to private practice, hospitals, institutions and other health-related facilities. 

Exhibit Space Rental

Exhibit space includes a tabletop display (6-foot x 3 foot skirted table with two chairs), electrical as needed and wireless internet.

Exhibit Fees/Cancellation Fee

Early registration offered through May 1, 2024 – $1,000 – After August 2nd, 2024  – fee increases by $50.

There is a $500 cancellation fee if registration is cancelled before 8/1/2024.  No refund is offered after that date.

Web Site Ads Available

Companies are able to place a website banner ad on the Current Concepts in Sleep website for a small fee ( The ads will be posted for one year and provide exposure for your company to sleep professionals throughout the country who visit the website. The fee for one year’s advertising is $200. After submitting the form with payment for the ad, please contact us for information on specifics for submitting the ad.

Symposium Support Opportunities

Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze designations are based on total contribution from each individual company. Support opportunities are limited, so please make your commitment early for best selection of options. 

Platinum Support Level - $10,000

  • Indication as a platinum supporter and prominent acknowledgement in program syllabus 
  • Six complimentary registrations for company employees 
  • Option to place full-page flier in registration packets 
  • Website banner for 1 year 
  • Exhibit space

Gold Support Level - $5,000

  • Indication as a gold supporter and prominent acknowledgement in program syllabus 
  • Four complimentary registrations for company employees 
  • Option to place half-page flyer in registration packets
  • Website banner for 9 months 
  • Exhibit space 

Silver Support Level - $2,500

  • Indication as a silver supporter and prominent acknowledgement in program syllabus 
  • Three complimentary registrations for company employees
  • Website banner for 6 months 
  • Exhibit space 

Bronze Support Level - $1,500

  • Indication as a bronze supporter and prominent acknowledgement in program syllabus 
  • Two complimentary registrations for company employees
  • Website banner for 3 months 
  • Exhibit space 

Meeting Support – $1,000

  • Indication as a meeting supporter and prominent acknowledgement in program syllabus 
  • One complimentary registration for company employees
  • Website banner for 3 months 
  • Exhibit space 

Exhibit Location and Shipping Information

Sheraton Sand Key Resort
1160 Gulf Boulevard
Clearwater Beach, FL 33767

Shipping and Receiving:  

Hotel’s shipping and receiving department has limited capabilities for receiving freight based on show size and duration.  Pallet and crate storage is not available and require prior arrangements. Charges are applied to the individual exhibitor for all freight handling. If Expo Decorator is used, drayage will be provided by them and costs addressed with the group.


Shipments should not arrive before August 20, 2024. Items must be prepaid, properly packed and marked as follows: 

ATTN: Current Concepts in Sleep Conference  

Hold for: Name: _____________________________ Company: __________________________

Important Deadlines

Exhibit Application: Early application fee deadline is June 30, 2024.

Hotel Reservations: August 2nd, 2024

Conference Exhibitor Schedule

The conference has been carefully planned to allow maximum exposure to attendees. All continental breakfasts and refreshment breaks are scheduled in the Exhibit Hall.

Exhibit Set-up: Thursday, August 22, 2024 – 3:00 PM- 7:00 PM

Exhibit Hours: Friday, August 23, 2024 – 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM 

Reception: Friday, August 23, 2024 – 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM & Saturday, August 24, 2024- 7:30 AM – 3:00 PM 

Exhibits Close: Saturday, August 24, 2024 – 3:30 PM

Hotel Accommodations

Call today to secure your room at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort
1160 Gulf Boulevard Clearwater Beach, FL 33767 or reserve your room online.

The Sharaton Sand Key Clearwater Beach Hotel and Spa has offered a generous room rate that includes Gulf and Harbor views–single and double room rates are $206/night plus applicable state and local taxes, fees and assessments.  The rate is being offered 3 days before and 3 days after the meeting dates.  Make your hotel reservations soon. The cut-off date is August 2nd, 2024. Use the link below to reserve your room now.

Exhibitor Information

Acceptance of Exhibit: The Exhibit and Support Application must be properly filled out and payment must be received within 30 days of application submission. Upon approval of the application by Tampa General Hospital, it shall become binding upon both Tampa General Hospital and the exhibitor with respect to all matters included in the Exhibit and Support Prospectus. 

Receipt of application to exhibit or support does not automatically indicate approval. The program educational committee will review all applications and confirm acceptance in writing once approved. 

Assignment of Space: Exhibit space will be allocated at the sole discretion of Tampa General Hospital with due regard to grouping of exhibitors, date upon which the application was received, regard for relevance of exhibit, exhibitor preferences and the date payment for exhibit space is received. The allocation of exhibit space by Tampa General Hospital will be final and binding upon all exhibitors.

Exhibitor Badges: Employees designated by the exhibitor will be issued “Exhibitors Badges” that will authorize such employees to enter the exhibit area during hours when it is open for exhibitors but not the public. 

Arrangement of Exhibits: One skirted table will be provided. Room is carpeted. Display material may be placed up to a height not exceeding 8 feet from the building floor. All exposed parts of a display will be finished so as not to be objectionable to other exhibitors at the meeting. Exhibits not conforming to these specifications, of which in design operation, or otherwise found objectionable in the opinion of the conference management, will be prohibited. Tampa General Hospital reserves the right, in the best interest of the Exhibit, to relocate selected space in areas other than that selected by the exhibitor.

Due to limited space and resources, please let us know in advance if you have any other exhibit needs. Send your requests in writing to Robby Beauchamp at

Termination of Meeting and Exhibits: Should the premises where the Conference is to be held become, in the sole judgment of Tampa General Hospital, unfit for occupancy, or should the meeting and exhibit be materially interfered with by reasons of action of the elements, strike, picketing, boycott, embargo, injunction, war, riot, governmental agency or any other act beyond the control of Tampa General Hospital, the Contract for Exhibit Space may be terminated. Conference management will not incur any liability for damages sustained by exhibitor as a result of such termination. In the event of such termination, the exhibitor expressly waives such liability and releases conference management of and from any and all claims for damages and agrees that conference management shall have no obligations to exhibitors except to refund to exhibitors a prorated share of the aggregate amount received by Tampa General Hospital (as rental for exhibit space), after deducting all costs and expenses in connection with such exhibit and the exhibit program, including a reasonable reserve for claims, such deductions being hereby specifically agreed to by the exhibitor.

Withdrawal: Withdrawal by an exhibitor will not be accepted unless written notice of such withdrawal has been received at least 60 days prior to the conference by Tampa General Hospital. Any exhibitor who withdraws 30-60 days prior to the conference shall forfeit and pay to Tampa General Hospital, as liquidated damages, a sum of money equal to 50 percent (50%) of the full price of said exhibitor’s space. No refunds for cancellation will be issued for withdrawals within 30 days of the conference. 

Staffing of Exhibits: Exhibit tables must be staffed during all exhibit hours by qualified employees of the exhibitor, who must be able to explain or demonstrate the products or services on display. 

General Restrictions: All rights and privileges granted exhibitor hereunder is subject to and subordinated to policies of Tampa General Hospital. Exhibitor will comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules and requirements relating to health, fire, safety, and use of the premises or otherwise applicable to the exhibitor. 

Exhibitors will not engage in any activity constituting waste of the premises, including without limitation, mar, deface or otherwise damage of any area of the facility; reasonable wear and tear expected. Exhibitor will not engage in any activity that would vitiate or increase the rate of insurance on the premises for Tampa General Hospital. 

Exhibitor assumes all responsibility for and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Tampa General Hospital against loss, damage of claim arising from or caused in whole or in part by an act or omission of its exhibit personnel, its agents, servants, employees and contractors and for all persons admitted to the exhibit area using either its badges or badges obtained by or on behalf of the Exhibitor. 

Exhibitor will not discriminate against any person on account of race, creed, color, sex or national origin. 

Electrical or other mechanical apparatus must be muffled so noise does not interfere with other exhibitors. 

Exhibitors will not use the conference logo, any part of the conference name or acronym, nor in any other manner associate any exhibit or any activity during the meeting, without the express written and personal consent of Tampa General Hospital. 

No combustible decoration, such as crepe paper, tissue paper, cardboard or corrugated paper shall be used at any time.

All packaging containers, excelsior and wrapping paper is to be removed from the floor and must not be stored under tables or behind displays. All muslin, velvet, silken or any cloth decorations must stand a flameproof test as prescribed by the fire ordinance of the applicable governing bodies.

Volatile, explosive or other flammable matter, or any substances prohibited by the law or insurance carriers, is not permitted on the premises. 

Any activity within the exhibits, including without limitation, distributions (for free or otherwise) of any literature, product or any other item must conform to the educational and professional nature and character of the Conference. Canvassing or distributing advertising matter outside the exhibitor’s own space is not permitted. Tampa General Hospital reserves the sole right to prohibit and require immediate cessation of any activity or distribution that does not conform as aforesaid. To avoid any problems, Tampa General Hospital will provide advance approval of activities and items upon request of an exhibitor. The decision to prohibit and require cessation of any activity will be in the sole and exclusive discretion of Tampa General Hospital and is final. 

All exhibits must conform strictly to the Exhibit and Support Prospectus. Tampa General Hospital reserves the right to restrict any exhibit that might be considered undesirable. This restriction includes articles, conduct, dress and printed matter of anything objectionable to the Exhibit or Exhibit Program as a whole. 

Exhibitor Functions: Exhibitors must receive permission to hold any educational or social event taking place during the conference dates by sending a request in writing to Marietta Bibbs at Tampa General Hospital. 

Care of Exhibit Space: The exhibitor, at his own expense, shall take good care of his exhibit space, not deface or mar said premises and will keep and maintain the aforesaid premises in good order at all times. 

Limitation of Liability: Tampa General Hospital, its contractors, any of the officers, staff members, employees or directors of any of either of the aforesaid parties will not be responsible for any loss, injury or damage whatsoever or howsoever arising, which may occur to an exhibitor, or to his agents, employees, contractors and its agents and employees, or to the property or wares of the exhibitors, arising from any cause whatsoever, prior, during or subsequent to the period of this exhibit. Each exhibitor expressly releases Tampa General Hospital from any and all claims from such injury, loss or damage. 

Liability of Exhibitor: If Tampa General Hospital or the Sheraton Sand Key Clearwater Beach Resort shall be held liable for any event, which might result from a particular exhibitor’s action or failure to act, such exhibitor shall reimburse Tampa General Hospital or Sheraton Sand Key Clearwater Beach Resort and Spa  and hold harmless Tampa General Hospital. 

Insurance: Exhibitors must adequately insure their materials, goods, wares and exhibits against theft, damage, loss or injury of any kind and must do so at their own expense. Exhibitors are solely responsible for their own actions during the meeting. 

Tampa General Hospital will request that security lock the exhibit hall during non-conference hours. This in no case is to be understood or interpreted by exhibitors as guaranteeing them against loss or theft of any kind.